Anti-Racism Reporting Tool
If you have experienced racism or discrimination or have been a bystander to a racist or discriminatory incident, we encourage you to report it using this online reporting tool.
You can use the racism reporting tool in any of the following situations:
- You have experienced racism
- You have witnessed acts racism
- You have supported someone in a personal or professional capacity who has experienced racism
Racism can take many forms. Some examples include: racial profiling by shopkeepers, employers, or law enforcement officers, jokes about a co-worker’s race, ancestry, or place of origin, not hiring a person because of their skin colour, refusing to rent to or serve a person because of their identity or displaying racial slurs, offensive cultural terms or images. (source:

The data collected from this webform is completely confidential and does not get shared with the RCMP or any other organization.
The reporting tool is managed by the United Against Discrimination coalition, based at Kelowna Community Resources and covers the South, Central and North Okanagan, the Shuswap, and Thomson-Nicola Regions.
The goal is to collect relevant data on racism and discrimination in the Interior, to raise awareness and develop community-based solutions, and build capacity to provide support to victims.
The reporting tool can be used anonymously and can be accessed via the button below. Please only include details that you feel comfortable disclosing.

Thank you for sharing your experience so we can combat racism and discrimination and build safer communities.
You are also welcome to call and report your incident to BC’s Racist Incident Helpline by calling 211 toll-free from any phone. The 211 helpline was created for people who have been subjected to discrimination based on the colour of their skin, culture, ethnicity or place of origin. Callers will receive support and guidance, which could include referrals to local community support services, such as counselling or help with reporting to law enforcement.
Additionally you are welcome to call our office at 250-804-2726 if you would like to discuss the situation or are seeking a referral to additional support.
Additional Resources and Support
Rise Up is an Indigenous run and directed Non Profit organization based out of Salmon Arm. They host regular group wellness sessions for youth, adults and elders which are open to everyone.
SAFE Society Salmon Arm (Crisis Line) – 250-832-9616
The SAFE Society Crisis line is operated out of Salmon Arm and provides crisis support via phone or online chat 24/7.
Victim Link BC – 1-800-563-0808
VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, multilingual phone service available 24 hours a day in B.C. Victim service workers can provide information, crisis support, and service referrals to victims of crime.
BC-based Healing in Colour provides a list of therapists with lived experiences and resources for healing and learning for the IBPOC community.

VICCR– 1-800-588-8717
Provides virtual multi-lingual, sliding scale (low or no-cost), mental health counselling to newcomers, temporary residents and refugees.
SNIWWOC Mental Health Services – 250-277-2545
The Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Colour (SNIWWOC) offers free therapy to low-income racialized women. To qualify, fill out the Therapy Request form.
Access Pro Bono – 1-877-762-6664
Access Pro Bono is an independent organization composed of volunteer legal service providers across BC. Connect with them through their online form or helpline.
Legal Aid BC – 1-866-577-2525
Legal Aid BC, a non-profit organization created by the Legal Services Society, provides legal advice and representation services to people of low income. Get in touch through their call centre or email.
BC Mental Health Phone Line – On Your Phone, Dial: 310
Provides a toll-free number connecting callers to a BC crisis line, without a wait or busy signal. Offers emotional support, information on appropriate referral options, and a wide range of support relating to mental health concerns.
RCMP Non-emergency Line (Salmon Arm) – 250-832-6044
Police station in Salmon Arm. Open Mon-Fri – 8AM-4PM.